Composite bonding for a natural-looking smile

If you want to transform your smile in a single appointment, composite bonding could be the perfect solution! Your dentist applies a small amount of shade-matched composite resin to your teeth, before reshaping and polishing it to create a beautiful, even smile.

With long-lasting results without the need for drilling or impacting your natural teeth, composite bonding is a popular option for patients looking for a simple yet highly effective smile makeover.

Choose composite bonding to mask smile imperfections including:

Chipped teeth
Irregular gaps
Slight misalignments
Unusually sized or shaped teeth

What happens during composite bonding treatment?

The treatment process is straightforward, and can usually be completed in one appointment. So you can leave our Swansea practice ready to show off your new smile!


Once your dentist has determined your suitability for composite bonding, they will clean the teeth to be treated and apply a gel that roughens their surface. This helps the composite material stick effectively.


The tooth-coloured composite material is then applied to your teeth and shaped to create your perfect smile.


Before you leave, we’ll polish your teeth to ensure you’re happy with the natural-looking results.

Transforming smiles at Crescent Dental.

Our smile results are the best way to judge the skills of our experienced team. We love to see our patients leave our practice with a healthy, bright smile.

Frequently asked questions about Crescent Dental.

How long does composite bonding last?

Composite bonding can last anywhere from 3 to 10 years, depending on various factors such as the location of the bonded tooth and how well you look after your oral health. At Crescent Dental we use quality composite material which is long-lasting and encourage you to attend for regular checkups to help look after your teeth.

Can composite bonding be used to replace fillings?

Yes, composite bonding can be used to replace old or damaged fillings, should your dentist here in Swansea decide this is a suitable alternative. The composite resin material can be used for both cosmetic and restorative purposes, making it a versatile option for filling cavities or replacing old silver amalgam fillings. It offers the advantage of blending in with the natural tooth colour, providing a more natural-looking result.

Does the composite bonding treatment process hurt?

The composite bonding procedure is minimally invasive, and typically, no injections are needed to numb your mouth, unless the bonding is being used to fill a decayed tooth. You may experience some sensitivity or discomfort afterwards, but this usually subsides quickly.

Can composite bonding be whitened?

Composite bonding material does not respond to traditional teeth whitening treatments. If your bonded teeth become stained or discoloured, you may need to have the bonding material replaced to restore the desired shade. It's best to undergo a teeth whitening treatment at Crescent Dental before getting bonding done so that the resin can match the whitened teeth.